Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Here are some interesting sculptures of the ancient masters, whose remains archaeologists found today on the seabed, as well as the works of modern artists who deliberately put their work under water to convey to the public the idea. These sculptures are subject of many myths and local legends. Here are some amazing sculptures which are not yet destroyed within ocean.These sculptures are so old that they are now covered by coral reef.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Underwater Sculpture Museum, Cancun, Mexico

Artist Jason Taylor has created this beautiful and with a deep sense of the sculpture, to attract the attention of humanity to the problem of catastrophic destruction of coral reefs in the last decade. In Cancun Underwater Museum sculptures are two works of Taylor. Divers have a great opportunity, in addition to admiring the natural beauty of the ocean, visit the Underwater Sculpture Museum and see how slowly they inhabit coral. The most interesting exhibits is the track “Silent Evolution”, the sculpture “Man on Fire”, which grow red corals, and ‘ElColeccionistadeSueños’ – a realistic image of a man with a dog that guarded a collection of bottles with notes inside written in different languages of the world, a kind of messages to future generations.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Jesus Christ is the abyssal zone, Italy

This original sculpture of Jesus Christ in bronze 2.5 meters high was created and lowered to the seabed in 1954. Due to the rapid corrosion of the statue raised to the surface for restoration as a result of which the main elements have been replaced by similar unchanged. In 2004, she was returned to a depth of 6 m. Statue with his arms raised associated with the lost diver, Dario Gonzatti, who drowned in 1947.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Underwater statue among the ruins of the palace of Cleopatra, Alexandria, Egypt

Flooded 1500 years ago, the ruins are considered to be the remains of the royal palace of Cleopatra.Incredible beauty of the palace is well preserved and has become one of the attractions and a highlight of the tourist routes. Among the sculptures you can see the animals, including lions, and the ancient gods. In addition, at the bottom of a lot of dishes, walls, ruins, columns, and other objects of scientific interest to archaeologists.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Underwater Sculpture Park, Grenada

Underwater Sculpture Park was created by Jason Taylor. Sculptures are an integral part of Grenada’s waters, including the underwater flora and fauna. The main object of the Underwater Park experts believe the song “Adversity”, consisting of a group of sculptures in human size that are holding hands, standing in a circle, symbolizing the dead slaves transported on boats. Many of the sculptures already overgrown with corals, including a female figure ‘GraceReef’, lying on the bottom, and the sculpture “the Lost Correspondent”, which in the hands of a newspaper with the news column 70s.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

Roman sculpture Bahia, the Bay of Naples, Italy

It is said that the bronze and stone sculptures of the Roman spa town of Bailly were flooded as a result of a volcanic eruption. Flooded city of the Roman Empire was known for its rich inhabitants and excellent conditions for recreation and rest of the nobility, which is mired in vices and sins. The city created a large number of marble sculptures, copies of bronze sculptures, which are preserved under a layer of water of the Gulf. In the 8th century BC Muslims destroyed the city, and in 1500, the year the city suffered from a malaria epidemic.

Amazing Sculptures In The Depth of Seas And Oceans

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