10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

All of us would like to look like heroes in an emergency when necessary survival skills. Therefore, we and like to watch on TV reality shows like “Survivor” or “Man vs. Wild”. But to survive in the wild – not a simple matter, and there could be no reality show will not help.Rather hurt because television set of rules “survival” – a myth to believe in which are often life-threatening. The following discussion will focus on deep-rooted beliefs, myths, in other words, the survival of which will destroy more than save you in an emergency.

Myth 1: You can suck the venom out of place snakebite

In fact, a snake venom immediately enters the blood and does not accumulate at the site of the bite.In addition, the mouth is full of bacteria and you just add all the muck out of his mouth to the wound.Moreover, snake venom can damage the lining of the mouth and esophagus your.

The best thing to do in this situation – is to remain calm, not allowing the heart to beat faster, keep the injured limb below heart level and how you can get to the hospital faster.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 2: When faced with a bear, pretended to be dead

In fact, faced with a bear in the woods, it is best to immediately stop and start slowly backing away from him. If this happens in your backyard or in the place where you camp, you need to pass himself off as a large object (raskinte hand in hand, Open your jacket) and scream loudly. This should scare away the bear.

But if a bear does attack, your behavior should depend on the type of the bear and the attack itself.Never pretend to be dead black bear (baribalom) – let him fight back.

In most cases, the brown bear or grizzly attack, just to protect themselves or their cubs. In this case, they warn, uttering a roar, and all kind show, as it were – is not appropriate.

Slowly move away from the bear, which protects or defends. If the bear came right up to you, falls to the ground belly down and hugging her neck with her arms, lay motionless.

In rare cases, when the bear attacked without warning (or, as it seems to you, stalking you), try to fight back with all means available.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 3: If you are lost in the woods, the first task – to find food

This is absolute nonsense. You can go without food for a long time – up to six weeks.

It is impossible to specify the exact period because it depends on many factors, including your health.But water and a place to take shelter from the weather – that’s for sure much more important.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 4: The liquid from the cactus will save you from thirst

In fact, about cacti you need to know that there is only one kind of barrel cactus, the fluid which can be extracted and drink without risk to health.

But another type of liquid cactus contains toxins that can cause vomiting, accelerating the dehydration process.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 5: The only moss grows on the north side of the tree

In fact, the moss can grow on all sides of the tree, depending on environmental conditions. Do not believe this popular myth, or get lost in the woods.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 6: If the animals eat it, you and I can

In fact, some berries and mushrooms, which can have the birds and squirrels, are deadly to humans.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 7: If someone froze, it is necessary to grind the affected frosted parts and make him a hot bath

In fact, rubbing frostbitten areas, you can further damage the skin, and hot water can cause shock and hurt people with frostbite or hypothermia.

You should gradually warm the frozen, covered it with blankets and propped bottles with warm water (put them well and armpits).

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 8: If you are attacked by a shark, hit her in the nose

In fact, in the water you are unlikely to get hit hard on the nose floating shark.

In rare cases, when an attack does occur, try to keep any solid object between you and a shark (such as a mask or swimming board). If there is nothing at hand, try to scratch shark eyes and gills.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 9: Swim parallel to the shore if it enters the rip current

To get to the rip current, which carries you from shore, awful. Indeed, if the current carries you from shore is, in this situation it is best to swim parallel to the shore.

But we must know what is for most moves in different directions, not just from the coast towards the sea. Therefore, trying to make you do not belong, swim perpendicular to the flow changing direction.

Try not to waste power, and you will see that go this way – it’s not that swim against the tide. If you can not swim, stay afloat as long as possible, for as long as not lose strength or help arrives.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Myth 10: Carport – this wonderful hideaway

In fact, to build something or other shelter should be, given the weather conditions and surroundings.In hot sunny places your salvation will be the shadow, but where cool will save you a warm shelter.

It is necessary to protect themselves from the wind, as well as take care of the warm litter-bed to keep warm on the cold ground at night.

The canopy or tent can protect against wind and weather, but without reliable litter they do not provide you with sufficient heat.

10 Myths About Survival, That May Cost Us Our Lives

Source – businessinsider.sg

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